About the Concordia Educational Foundation
Today, Concordia relies on substantial financial support to sustain its commitment to excellence in the 21st century and beyond.
For almost 90 years, alumni and friends have generously supported Concordia through prayers, volunteering, and words of encouragement. Are you interested in making a gift that keeps on giving? Consider creating an endowment in honor of a family member or relative to make a lasting impact on students, families, and faculty.
Supporting Concordia Lutheran High School’s Mission
Deliver Academic Excellence
Provide a Safe Place to Belong
Increase Fundraising Revenue
Grow and Maintain Optimal Enrollment
Execute and manage Well our Strategic Business Model
Grow our Endowments to support our mission now and in the future
Meet the Team
Matthew Konow
Jenny Grisez
Board of Directors (2024-2025)
Founding Board Members
Carl G. Miller, Jr.
William A. Berning
Thomas E. Foelber
Ronald L. Gershmehl
Lester A. Kassing
Milton H. Brackmann
David H. Cordes
Harold F. Goeglein
Thomas L. Schoenherr
George W. Meyer
Thomas L. Lewis
Robert P. Leininger
Seated (L to R):
Standing (L to R):
Founders unable to be present: